After the experience made in October 2022 in Turin (see news on the site), the young people of Turin have discovered how useful questions and comparisons are in order to then take that path that everyone must find on their own. Freedom is acquired when you come to the awareness of what you really are and accept it without reservations. Thus they experienced that questions open up prospects for answers, but above all new questions and new openings.

With the desire that that experience never end, they had the courage to meet again, and so, in September 2023 in Cuneo under the title "LIVE YOUR DOUBTS! Youth and Work”, they met around —- over a beer.

The objective was not to create a sort of employment agency or to carry out simple market analyses, but to share hopes, values, but also daily hardships, fears, the desire to change the mechanisms of a system that seems alienating.

Even on this occasion, the path was meticulous, made up of rediscovered relationships and the desire to 'do'. Fabio is here again and next to him on stage is Luigino Bruni, economist and scholar, leader of innovative paths from the Economy of Franciscus to the Economy of Communion.

The young people are serious: direct questions, painful and "real" experiences, active and attentive participation in all the steps of the evening. But the speakers are no different: "taking young people seriously" also means not looking for shortcuts or simplifications, expressing different visions without half measures, proposing answers that are not always the ones we would like to hear. Even at the cost of appearing "harsh". A "real" experience, not without difficult moments. Once again, however, in the end the "added value" is always the dialogue: the responses of the secular philosopher are complemented by those of the economist close to the Pope and scholar of biblical wisdom. The two look at each other, listen to each other, evidently respect each other even when they don't entirely agree.

Fabio's last response fully hits the meaning of the evening and becomes its synthesis: pay attention to simplifications, to realities where everything is black or white, to preconceived extremisms. Because it is there, in extremism, that democracy dies. And because reality is complex and the greatest challenge is precisely that of complexity. With different words, exactly what he had said shortly before Luigino from another perspective.

It is precisely the complexity that challenges us to a dialogue like the one experienced in the evening in Cuneo, sincere, of confidence, in a space of common humanity, where in the end even Luigino and Fabio spend a long time, esteem and sincere interest for the idea of ​​the other. Only the image is evidence of dialogue.

The road has just begun. There may be other themes, other questions. Because the value that inspires this path looks to humanity.