How many times do we find ourselves faced with dilemmas, difficult decisions that can lead us to the temptation of an easy way out! Let us ask ourselves: our heart is conquered by notoriety, by a meteoric career; do you admire successful people, various influencers? Do we perhaps give these realities much importance?

This month's proposal is to make a leap in quality, a serious discernment based on our scale of values. In the depths of our conscience we can hear a voice, sometimes subtle and perhaps drowned out by other voices, which pushes us to tirelessly seek paths of brotherhood, and which always encourages us to renew this choice, even at the cost of swimming against the current.

It is a fundamental exercise to build the foundations of an authentic dialogue with others, to find together adequate answers to the complexity of life.

This does not mean escaping one's personal responsibility towards society, but rather offering oneself to the disinterested service of the common good.

In full awareness that every new relationship that is born, in the world of work, in moments of leisure, in some meeting, is a precious opportunity that is offered to us to build experiences of true brotherhood where we are, we try to share objectives with these people communities, cultural experiences, actions of solidarity and support for those in difficulty, fighting every form of poverty as much as possible and promoting, always and in any case, the great value of peace.