Giving thanks, rejoicing and experiencing interiority are three attitudes that lead us to live our daily lives fully and which are intimately linked to each other.

Whatever we do, we can always feel gratitude for those who support us and for those who walk with us. Gratitude, in fact, is a feeling that arises freely and sincerely from the heart and makes us aware of not being self-sufficient.

This month's Idea then encourages us to live in joy. But, what kind of joy do we want? Definitely a deep and serene joy, even if we are aware that we cannot force ourselves to be joyful.

Whether life surprises us with problems and worries, with suffering and anguish, or when the social situation appears dry and inhospitable, we all experience that it is not easy.

However, we can choose to live every moment with love, with detachment from ourselves and with attention and care for those close to us, in the family, at work, in society, accepting the support of friends, keeping alive within us the trust that Love, experienced concretely, overcomes everything and allows us to experience that profound joy that we desire.

Finally, there is another value that should not be overlooked: our interiority: it corresponds to an indispensable need that gives energy, color and warmth to our every action.

For this to happen we need to have an attitude of contemplation towards nature, living moments of silence, in a break from our actions, trying to connect with our inner self, with our conscience, without distractions, giving value to our thoughts, reflections that support our being “here and now”.

It is a simple practice that transforms our activities and our entire life from the inside, giving a new flavor to our every moment and will allow us to live the present to the full.

Dialogue between all of us, of religious and non-religious beliefs, will reap many benefits; we will feel more ready to give ourselves our reflections, ideas, projects, our dreams, and communion will become ever truer, and life even richer in joy and gratitude.

Gratitude, joy, interiority, therefore. And with these feelings in our soul, let us prepare ourselves to live with greater enthusiasm the values ​​that the Christmas holidays underline for us, to create a better world around us, to become weavers of peace within ourselves, at home, in the workplace, in the midst of squares. There is nothing more necessary and urgent today.