Last year something special happened in Montet, Switzerland.

For 10 months, around twenty young people met, including some non-believers, to have a life experience together based on the spirituality of the unity of the MdF

We can ask ourselves how coexistence and above all sharing life is possible for such a different group? But only young people have the ability to take risks.

The path was not easy, the prejudices, the perplexity of knowing that people without a religious reference wanted to deepen a spirituality that is part of a movement born in the Catholic Church, meant that at the beginning of this period everyone took root in their own position, defending one's thoughts, wanting to bring those who thought differently to one's positions, to one's truth with the consequent discomfort.

Little by little, however, helped by those around them who had more mature experience, the barriers collapsed and this minority of young people without a religious reference felt fully welcomed by everyone, indeed accepted and loved in their diversity. And not only that, but those young people who arrived there with a sure faith allowed themselves to be challenged by the questions and doubts of their new friends.

The journey was therefore full of challenges but also fruits for every young person - both with a religious and non-religious reference. In the end, the certainty that the path to building brotherhood can be followed by different paths and what matters is to follow them together, to help each other to live fully what you feel called to, to give an answer to any question that is asked, not be afraid of confrontation and the resulting dialogue.

The spirituality of unity came to life in them and now, each having returned to their own homes, they carry within them the certainty that dialogue is possible and that it can change relationships and contribute to brotherhood.