It belongs to the essence of man to ask questions, to seek the ultimate meaning of life. For this reason man, in general, does not remain passive in front of what he reads, sees and experiences, and songs, poems and prayers come from his heart, which express his feelings, now sad, now happy, humble declarations that flower spontaneously in front of to the things we contemplate and which go beyond ourselves, and which we do not always know how to give a name to.

Faced with the question "What is the right path for man on the earth?" sometimes we are left unanswered. Martin Heidegger's phrase can enlighten us: «The greatness of man is measured on the basis of what he seeks and the insistence with which he remains in the search.»

Therefore, search insistently and remain in the search, trying to understand how to live and how to give full meaning to daily life, knowing however that all of us, whether of religious or non-religious beliefs, have a common substratum, the intimate spiritual dimension .

We have experienced it all those times when, through a song, a poem or some writing, a new impulse was born in our heart that elevated our feelings. And we have seen the birth in us of a desire to love others, a concrete commitment to help those who suffer and are in difficulty, the desire to fight or pray for peace and unity of peoples, or to improve life in the territories where we live by building between us that "relational good" which is the basis of every relationship.

If we set out on this path, together, we will be able to live constructive experiences around us where we are, and we will all feel a feeling of gratitude arise in our hearts for the free love that will circulate among everyone and contribute to building, in the little piece of the world where we live, a new social and spiritual reality.

Yes, only pure gratitude if we know how to contemplate what happens with humble eyes, and always be grateful to those around us who make their talents available, freely, without expecting anything.

This attitude will help us not to remain closed in on ourselves, but to always put love back into circulation between us, creating true relationships of communion, sharing and common research that last over time. And we will see our life fill with meaning.