Our daily experience is never free from problems and challenges, whether health, family, work, unexpected difficulties, etc. Not to mention the immense suffering that many of our brothers and sisters are experiencing today due to war, the consequences of climate change, migration, violence... These are situations that are often bigger than us.

When faced with them, it is normal to be worried and feel the need to feel safe. The problem is not always resolved, but the closeness of true friends consoles us and gives us strength. The difficulties experienced and faced together are the daily reminder to continue to believe in those values ​​of brotherhood, reciprocity and solidarity that make the journey possible. In this fraternal relationship we can feel the same security that children feel when they rely on parents who love them and thus live life differently, with more enthusiasm.

For Chiara Lubich and for many who have followed and continue to follow her intuitions, this security comes from the faith of having a Father. Chiara said: «…the person knows they are loved and believes with all their being in this love. She abandons herself to it trustingly and it wants to follow. The circumstances of life, sad or joyful, are illuminated by a reason of love that wanted or allowed them all." His words can be applied to all those who have experienced true love at least once in their life.

The characteristic of a good travel companion is that of being at service, in a personal dimension made of deep knowledge and sharing with respect for everyone. It is about living with transparency, with coherence, without second intentions, with a pure and unconditional love that brings peace, justice and brotherhood.

Thus, the new leadership that is needed in our time can emerge. A leadership that also favors a community dynamic in reciprocity in which we recognize each other without losing our identity. On the contrary, we know, in solitude one experiences disorientation and a loss of horizons.

We ourselves will be able to be a "guide" for those experiencing moments of difficulty only if we in turn have experienced this trust in others. As Brazilian pedagogue and philosopher Paulo Freire says, “No one educates anyone; no one educates himself; men educate each other through the mediation of the world"[1]. In other words: in the educational community no one teaches anything to anyone, but everyone learns from everyone in a context of dialogue and critical reflection on reality.

[1] Freire, Paulo (2012) “Pedagogy of the oppressed” Ed. Siglo XXI